Harvest Services

- 29th September 10:00 am St Mary's Funtington with Harvest Lunch afterwards. Volunteers needed (please see the St Mary's noticeboard)

- 6th October 10:00 am St Andrew's West Stoke

Important Anniversaries in 2025

Please go to the News and Events section for more information about the 1,700th Anniversary of the Nicene Creed and the 950th Anniversary of Chichester Diocese and Cathedral. 
Sharing the Chalice during Communion

We have been reminded by our visiting priests that Bishop Martin instructed the Diocese last year that we should all be sharing the Chalice during the Act of Communion and not to intinct (dip our wafers in the wine). This is because drinking from the silver Chalice is less of an infection risk than dipping the wafer. We have been told that if we do not wish to drink from the Chalice we can take communion by sharing the bread only.

Dates to save!

14th September - Sussex Historic Churches Trust - Ride and Stride

2025 - Important Anniversaries in the Diocese (see under News and Events)

Interregnum News

The first draft of the Parish Profile is soon to be completed. Once the Parish Profile is agreed by the  PCC it can then be submitted to Archdeacon Luke. There will be a formal consultation period before the actual recruitment process for the new vicar can start. The interview panel will be chosen by the PCC.

Parish Magazine Support Needed

The Editorial Team of our much loved and widely respected Parish Magazine needs support from a volunteer to help gather local news and prepare it for the printers each month. Please see the Parish Magazine section for further details.

Vacancies on the PCC

We now have vacancies on the PCC if you think you may like to be more actively involved in the running of the Churches and Parish in the New Year. No previous experience is needed. Please contact any members of PCC or Carolyn Watt for an application form.

Please see the News and Events section for all other updates

Back numbers of the Parish Magazine are now available online from February 2024 back to April 2021 - see the menu above

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