NOTICES - 7th JULY 2024

Sad News

We regret to report that Jane Gummer and Margaret Henderson died recently. Margaret's Memorial Service will be on Wednesday 17th July at 3:00 pm at St Mary's Funtington, and Jane's will be on Tuesday 23rd July, also at St Mary's Funtington. Please be mindful of parking issues.  

See the Calendar for Church Services

14th July - 8:00 am Eucharist at St Mary's Funtington - our last service with Dr Dan Inman before he moves to London. Do come and support.

Sharing the Chalice during Communion

We have been reminded by our visiting priests that Bishop Martin instructed the Diocese last year that we should all be sharing the Chalice during the Act of Communion and not to intinct (dip our wafers in the wine). This is because drinking from the silver Chalice is less of an infection risk than dipping the wafer. We have been told that if we do not wish to drink from the Chalice we can take communion by sharing the bread only.

Interregnum News - Update from the Parochial Church Council (PCC)

The informal consultation meetings have now come to a close and the results are being collated and will be part of the Parish Profile. Once the Parish Profile draft is written it has to be agreed by both PCCs and then submitted to Archdeacon Luke. There is then a formal consultation period before the actual recruitment process can start.

Tuesday Evening Home Group

This term the Home Group is running the very successful Alpha Course every Tuesday at 7:30 pm at 10 Lynch Down. Everyone welcome at any time during the 8-week course. Please see Eloise Rank or Neil Watt for more details.

Chidham School are still in need of a Governor

If you are interested please talk to Jessica Reid (Rural Dean)

Invitation to try Bell Ringing at St Mary's Funtington

Have you ever thought of trying this fascinating hobby? The next "have a go" session is on Sunday 16th June. You need to be 12 years old or over. Come and see if you would like to take up this wonderful activity.

Save the Date

- 12th, 13th and 14th July - The Chidham Flower Festival at St Mary's Chidham

- 21st July 10:00am St Mary's Funtington - Bishop Ruth Bushyager will be taking the service. She is an impressive speaker and well worth hearing.

- 14th September - Sussex Historic Churches Trust - Ride and Stride

Data Protection Update

So that we are compliant with the Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) please would everyone complete the "Consent to Share" form at the back of each of our churches and return them to Deborah Hughes or the church wardens.

Vacancies on the PCC

We now have vacancies on the PCC if you think you may like to be more actively involved in the running of the Churches and the Parish in the New Year. No previous experience is needed. Please contact any members of PCC or Carolyn Watt for an application form.

Contactless Giving by Debit/Credit Card

We now have contactless giving machines in St Mary's Funtington, so you no longer need to bring cash to put in the collection plate. The St Andrew's West Stoke machine is having teething problems, in progress. You can donate by using your debit or credit card which will also help reduce Parish administration. If you are not sure how it works, please speak to one of the Churchwardens. Meanwhile, here is first QR code for online donations. Either scan it with your phone camera or click on the link to make a payment:

QR Code for donations

During the Interregnum the website is being regularly updated and any changes and future events will be there so please check from time to time. We also have a “WhatsApp” phone group to which information is also added. If you want to join this group please let Carolyn Watt know.


1,700th Anniversary of the Nicene Creed - 950th Anniversary of the Diocese of Chichester and Chichester Cathedral

Guardians of the Earth - Flower Festival - St Mary's Chidham

Guardians of the Earth - Flower Festival 12th - 14th July

Funtington D-Day 80 Tribute Evening

Find out more and get your tickets here

Sussex Historic Churches Trust - Ride and Stride 2024

Background to the Sussex Historic Churches Trust - Ride and Stride

Message from The Venerable Luke Irvine-Capel, Archdeacon of Chichester

Agenda for the PCC meeting in January 2024 and the vacancy process


More news about the availability of fibre optic broadband in the Parish

Parents and Toddler Monday Group

Temporary Cancellation - see website for updates


Prayers for Growth in our parish.

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